Morshyn recreation through the eyes of a blogger 2023

Going to one of the most popular balneological resorts of Ukraine, you will definitely want to find out, what entertainments are offered to tourists in Morshyn. Though, what a town, which is located near the Carpathians, quite small, thanks to a fairly developed infrastructure, good location, due to the presence of parks and a lake here, everyone will be able to find an activity to their liking and perfectly combine health with …

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Truskavets, Moršin or Shodnica – where it is better to restore the health damaged during the war?

The war in Ukraine has been going on for more than seven months. All this time we feel lingering stress. Unlike short term, having a tonic effect on the body, This type of stress has a very negative effect on health.. And if its consequences have already affected well-being, worth thinking about, how to deal with them. One option is to go …

Read more Truskavets, Moršin or Shodnica – where it is better to restore the health damaged during the war?

On the waters in Morshyn. Video from a blogger about Morshyn resort

This time we will visit the old resort town in the Lviv region Morshyn, which since 19 famous for its healing mineral waters. In the days of the scoop, Morshyn did not know grief, had a constant demand for trade union vouchers. Feels, that now the town is in a state of transformation, the Soviet sanatoriums of Morshyn fall into decay, but there are new, with new landscape and architecture. how …

Read more On the waters in Morshyn. Video from a blogger about Morshyn resort