Morshyn in 1960-1970-ies on the interesting photos

Today we want to introduce readers to the retro photos resort Morshyn, which date from 1960-1970-ies. They can see motels, accommodation and holiday makers themselves, who came to Lviv region, to improve their health.

In 1878 year in Morshyn began the first official medical season. there opened “Facility for the treatment of thoracic diseases ". From this beginning the history of the world resort.

The impetus for the development of the town and resort Morshyn was the construction 1875 Railway Stryi – Stanislav. 1877 press began to write about the opening of the climatic health resort for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. The fame of the healing properties water Morshyn It spreads rapidly between people.

The brochures, which went before the First World War, Morshin compared with the most popular European resorts, called it “Galician Spa” or “Galician Carlsbad”, Karlovy Vary.

In the 1930s, the resort was built balneary, gryazelechebnitsa, inhalation and mineral water pump room – “fungus”, which became a symbol of Old town 1878 year in Morshyn began the first official medical season. there opened “Facility for the treatment of thoracic diseases ". From this beginning the history of the world resort.

After the establishment of Soviet power private pensions have been combined in a sanatorium.

In Morshyn was visited by many celebrities of the then pop. In the photo below ⬇️ VIA "Red Rue" with soloist Sophia Rotaru near the Palace of Culture in the resort Morshyn.

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