Numerous observations, spent in resorts, confirmed the high efficiency of treatment with mineral waters of patients, suffered from various chronic stomach diseases, bowel, as well as diseases of the liver and bile ducts.
The healing properties of sulphate waters known since ancient times. Most of them are of surface origin and are characterized by high mineralization.. Of the waters of this class in our country, the water of the Batalinsky spring deserves the greatest attention., Shira lakes and Morshinskaya mineral water of the source No. 1 ("Boniface").
These mineral waters, with the exception of Morshynska, acquired over the centuries of world fame. Due to historical circumstances, the Morshin resort and the mineral water of its source remained little known for a long time. However, the mineral water of spring no 1 for many years it has also been successfully used to treat patients with various chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Sulphated mineral waters, introduced into the duodenum, cause the gallbladder to empty, prevent stagnation of bile in it and thereby eliminate one of the causes of the formation of gallstones, help flush out inflammatory detritus, mucus and pathogens from the gallbladder.
Installed, that mineral waters of this class, with systematic use, increase both bile secretion, so is the output of bile.
The action of sulfate waters is not limited to the effect on the choleretic and biliary excretory functions of the biliary system.
With a significant concentration of magnesium sulfate ingredients, waters of this class have a laxative effect on the intestines. The systematic intake of mineral waters increases oxidative processes and therefore, leads to weight loss in smooth people.
In recent years, a number of observations have been carried out on the therapeutic effect of Morshyn mineral water in chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder as in Morshyn, and in other places.

Installed, that the mineral water of the spring no. 1 can be successfully used for the treatment of the above diseases as in a resort, and in medical institutions in other cities, since it has pronounced choleretic and biliary properties to such an extent, which is in no way inferior to mineral waters of sources of the same class.

Characterizing the healing effect of the mineral waters of the Morshyn resort for liver diseases, biliary tract and some types of metabolic disorders (obesity), I mean the use in combination with other spa factors (climate, healing mud, mineral baths, resort and sanatorium regime), various electro-physiotherapy, diet food, physiotherapy exercises, etc..
The state of the secretory function of the stomach in chronic diseases of the liver and bile ducts is always taken into account, since the observations of clinicians in recent years indicate that, that the gastroduodenal and cholebiliary systems are functionally closely related. Often damage to the gastroduodenal system (chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer) attract the cholebiliary system to the pathological process and vice versa.
Sick, who suffer from general obesity, usually, individual meals are prescribed with limited fat, carbohydrates, table salt and liquid. Extractives are excluded from the diet, but includes bulky products, low in nutrients (black bread, vegetables, etc.) At night, such patients are prescribed 0,75-1 a glass of Morshynska mineral water of the spring No. 1 with the addition of a teaspoon of Morshyn salt from the same source, which has a laxative effect on the intestines.

Physical therapy is of particular importance in the treatment of patients with general obesity.. This includes terentour, breathing exercises, abdominal exercises, massage, games. At the same time, attention is paid to the individual characteristics of the patient., degree of obesity, the state of the cardiovascular system, age, etc.. As a result of complex treatment in patients, who suffer from various diseases of the liver and bile ducts, pain disappears or decreases, the size of the liver and the content of bilirubin in the blood are normalized. В основном исчезают диспепсические явления.

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